Location: Borehole Structure, Chingford
Date: November 2021
The Concrete Consultancy 2000 Ltd were commissioned on the 15th November 2021 to undertake a survey and testing of the internal concrete elements to the structure known as the King George South Borehole.
The investigation comprised; a visual and hammer rap survey of the external concrete elements to establish the current condition and note the extent of defects, site testing of concrete to establish depths of carbonation and sampling of the concrete and laboratory analysis for chlorides.
The structure is a single storey structure housing pumps for the operation of the borehole. The structure is constructed with the use of a ground bearing, reinforced concrete slab and brickwork walls completed with a reinforced concrete roof slab cast in-situ. The structures roof slab includes an opening towards the rear right corner and been waterproofed with the use of asphalt.