Steel embedded in good quality concrete is protected by the high alkalinity pore water, which, in the presence of oxygen passivates the steel. The loss of alkalinity due to carbonation of the concrete or the penetration of chloride ions arising from marine or de-icing salts can destroy the passive film. In the presence of moisture and oxygen corrosion of the steel occurs. A characteristic feature of the corrosion of steel within concrete is the formation of macro cells; that is the coexistence of two areas of different electric potential appearing on the same steel surface. This forms a short-circuited galvanic cell, with the corroding area as the anode and the passive area the cathode. The current flow in the concrete is accompanied by an electric field which can be measured at the concrete surface, resulting in equipotential lines that allow the location of the most active corrosion to be identified by the most negative potentials. This is the basis for potential mapping which has become a technique applied to the inspection of reinforced concrete structures and detailed within ASTM C876–09. According to the ASTM method, corrosion can only be identified with 95% certainty at potentials more negative than -350 mV. Experience has shown, however, that passive structures tend to show values more positive than -200 mV and often positive potentials. Potentials more negative than -200 mV may be an indicator of the onset of corrosion.